10/05/08 :: Finally!
This's So Cute!!!
Crocs-o-dial seh! (aka Shoes For Your Phone!)
I Want one! lol, dun tink it's available in Singapore though (saw it on a magazine! :D), besides i dun tink i will use it! hahas
Wa Just Found out i got a lot to post!
Yippee! Finally did My Blog a Very Very good favour! hehe, a blog icon all by myself! :D:D:D
Help E-Revivblog.bizhat.com Conquer The World by putting this on Your Blog!
U May tag on my cbox or whatsoever means to contact me for the link of the icon :D
Last Time de link icon:

People, remember the starter page?

Now there's a new link image le! Tada!

Cool enough? Gonna improve it a little soon IF i hav time! hahas :D
So Much of a Improvement! More will come, if no problems pops up in any case :D:D
Others Stuff I Created! (Mostly Done To Pass Time When My Com Had No Connection Though...)
1. For The Males

2.For The Females 1

3. For The Females 2

4.During CCA. I Like The White Ipod Guy!

5.My Handphone Theme (not using it le, too mush!)

GIF Screensaver:
Images Finally! 11 Apr, is fun de lor, i mean after e so-called sports day....went to orchard then HCI For VBC! hahas now in Finals le! Wish Us Gd Luck! :D:D

TT's all! Tis post is so packed! Omg! so tiring! took me 1 day to compile n do leh! Enjoy! :D:D
30/04/08 :: Lala lala~~
Yippee! Solved 1 big crisis of my com! Finally after reformatin, i can use ff le! my blog de view changes quite a bit from ie lor!!! anw ju did some minor updates... more detailed ones are still after MYE...Which is tml! so fast!!! wa e results sure are can die type lor!!!
I wan watch "accuracy of death"!!! e movie like very cool lor!
kk, signoff....
30/04/08 :: Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday To KangSheng n WengKeen!!!
Detailed post will be post after exam:D
18/04/08 :: Happy Birthday!(Again)
Happy Birthday To Stella!!!
hmm! i dun feel like postin much these days...
07/04/08 :: Sucky Today...
Wa! i kinda suck today!
everything so hairwire! napfa standing broading jump miss by 1 cm, cos e teacher dun hav count e better score lor! thn chi CT a lot also dunno! if pass, at most a B4 nia la! thn maths retest i sux even more!!!! so many questions dunno how to do!!! Gonna seek help tml b4 it's too late la!!!
06/04/08 :: MYE
Hmm, I think it's time for me to put up my goals for MYE 2008! before it gets too
There it goes:
English: A
Pass! (Hopefully a C5)
HCL: A1!
(so... IMPOSSBLE! with my standards, only
around B3 lor! but i'll work hard!)
Combined Humanities:
History: A1!
(Must maintain!)
Social Studies: A2!(cos i also dunno what's
it like lor!)
Geography: B3!
(Very unlikely to get it...cos i still
dunno exactly how to answer geo questions :X)
Economics: A2!
(Hopefully possible ba, my original goal is
a B3...)
Chemistry: B3!
(So unlikely... at most i will only get a
B4, but i will still try!)
Physics: C5!
(Must TRY!!!)
AMaths: B3!
(To get this, I seriously nd to work real
hard le! cos my concept are very weak!)
Emaths: A1!
(If everything goes real well, i think it's
Expected As: 2 to 3 (being humble :D)
Opps, I forgot! econs n amaths on e same day... die le! very very impossible to score la! 30
minutes interval only leh! :X:X:X:X Further more, the exam r held at the hall... very hard
to concentrate lor, very wierd....esp in the middle n in e front!
CHER! I wan a back seat for exam! can?
03/04/08 :: Happy Birthday!(Again)
Happy Birthday To Stacy!!!
Sci Outing @ Jurong Island(02 Apr)
Wa e sci outing tml, quite cool at least because it's always good to have a class outing once in a while :D:D a good break
once in a while.
01/04/08 :: April Fool And A Happy Birthday!
PPL! Hello! i so long very post le!(n ppl r complaining):P
Today, i am goin post finally(obviously...) on this significant day we shld b happy about!
April's Fool Day!
aka. Ignite The Fool Inside Everyone, And Don't Be Fooled!
This Year's April Fool, no fun one! i didnt get fooled by anyone, n didnt fool other ppl lor!
... hmm, think positive! good sign, good sign!
i am smart enough that i didnt get fooled, n i am kind enough not to fool anyone else! MUHAHAHA! :D:D:D
Happy Birthday To JasonHeng!!!
eeeeeeee, today, not even singing of birthday song lor! so cold!
Anw, i didnt wish JasonHeng today....though i know it's his b-dae la, basically i didnt even talk 2 him :P so bad of me!
so i would like to wish him here! (though he wont b unable to see it anw...)
Wa! For e first time, my post is so style! hahas, in summary, sigh, today i very emo...cos someone ignore me. u know who u r
la, nxt time b a bit warm n say hi can?
Cant wait 4 e outing with e class tml!!!
20/03/08 :: Sick...
Argh! ah! sad thing 4 me lor! i fell sick because of long john again....sigh, dunno y leh...nw a bit better le. sigh, i hate
missin sch...i wan a pure record 4 sch lor, now got 1 absent, thn cannot le! lol, sigh, dun wan 2 tink now....
14/03/08 :: Sorrow.Isolation
.... . ._ ._. _ _... ._. ___ _._ . _
May All The Sorrow Ends, When You Are By My Side Again...
.:emotionalbreakdown:. I dun wan to be alone anymore .:emotionalbreakdown:.
28/02/08 :: Happy B-dae To Leanne!
Happy Birthday to Leanne!!!
25/02/08 :: Well...
Happy Birthday to Davin!(sry no psp!) n a late one to Michael n ZhengTat!!!
Watched wif Michael they all, durin his b-dae outing... L so cool, so warm one! wa i still believe he can jump over 2 that
plane thingy lor! N i think tt gal like L! ohh! her name is maki! sad la, no kira, but e storyline also got qiite loose cos
of it.:D i still remembered one sentence L said to Near b4 "dumping" him into the orphanage formed by Watari n himself!!!(I
thought near got prob walkin one? n whr's Mello?)
"No Matter How Gifted You Are, You Alone Cannot Change The World"
i want 2 see L die more than he go walk towards e sunset lor! i noe y e director dun wan show e last day le, cos they dun wan
2 so called destroy e good reputation built 4 L in e movie, cos like how come he so pro he still die, kind of thing la! but
then y still call it L's final 23 days? shld b 22 days ma n y must choose 23 over so many numbers??? hmm, 23 actually sounds
nice... nvm...i am askin quite a lot le.oh ya, i also took some pic when we r in lan! upload it sometime later ba
wa 2dae i very emo sia! yokeeeeeetinggggg!!!
AHHH! i cant believe my phy sux like dunno wat la!!! walao first time i get so low 4 a subject....n failed AMaths by that
bit... failed at least 3 subjects le... OMG! i am feelin so bad la...so sad... n yoketing dun hav reply my sms? so heartless
sia... i want to talk to yoketing now... but how......
21/02/08 :: Congrats Singapore!
yay! Singapore Won! shld b la, i didnt see e news! but reconfirmed wif atiqah,eunice n wanyan, so shld b correct la!:D:D
20/02/08 :: Happy Birthday!!!
Happy B-dae 2
Jeremy Teng! N a late wishes 2 cindy jiejie! wa actually got a lot de, if wan 2
count in mith n kh...:D:D:D:D
wa 2dae de skit everything wrong lor! aiyoyo, still got sore throat n no one believe....well, i manage 2 preserve my voice 4
e skit...dunno if e audience got hear anything or not! well, jus hope tt we nd not redo e skit! just came home frm jec wif
bryson,sean,hongwee,jiajing,stacy,yizhuang they all! well, ate lunch there, then went library, wa like got 15 3ii-ians there
lor, so crowded wait no, plus samantha n shao hao is 17! ya 17! all in diff grp...sad de...thn took mrt home wif sean,bryson
n hongwee lor...nth much la...
oh ya, e new skin, i still nd 2 improvise 2 add something in n get rid of some...so nd time! still cant upload hist 4 nov07 2
kk,ppl take carez! bb!
14/02/08 :: Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Happy Valentine's Day To Everyone! :D first time i so 'committed' 4 it, but i damn emo 2dae la! well, i won say e emoish
stuff, after all, 2dae's a gd day!!!
must keep e happiness to e end:D received some chocos 2dae but no flowers:D, tt's gd, it there's flower, i'll faint in e
spot! haha lol!:D i hav upload e pics 4 e 1 1/2 months :D wa e pic 's 350x3000pixels! damn long la. do until can siao! well,
i kept myself goin as i ate e chocos while i do it:D did it with love all inside my mouthz! :D tada!

donez! yay!:D oh ya goin 2 change skin le! but same on e same 4mat too! hope i hav e time 2 complete e skin:D so
fun:D:D:D:D:D:D haha Everybody! Take care!
13/02/08 :: Jus Post
hieee! everybody! i finally can use com le! after like 1wk+, i survived basically becos of e busy schedule which ironically
isnt cos i dun hav go bai nian! wa! this yr de cny pathetic sia, onli got less than 10 angbaos. but e 'quality damn goodddd
man. e lowest amount's $10 bucks! total got like $500 bucks lor! soooo cool! i will leave e sweet contents 4 tml.:D cos it
comes wif pics n i nd 2 edit them....
1 more thing, 2dae my luck sux until like dunno wat la, i tink i used finshed my pathetic little of luck yesterday.
-hist, tio asked 2 ans e 1 ques which i didnt do ONLI!
-ms tay can walk until missin then got delayed ct
-phy paper so hard until it sux, i dun understand a single crap
-reach hall late(actually not considered)
-thn tio mr leong scold scold(wa 2dae shaohao very shuai, still noe how 2 use height differences 2 'attack', i bet samantha
was like so crazy 4 him jus now, i tink la)
-didnt manage 2 go home wif her....
k, done! i so emoly go home cos of e last factor lor....
View older post on e history section (the 4th rectangle). :D