02/08/07 Competitions...
Hey finally got time 2 blog liao sia! Finally got of frm busy schedule!(Competitons: Splash then F1 then Alice in Action) it's like tis few days lack of sleep sia, yesterday onli sleep at 12+++ , cos choing tt damn curve! curve sux la, got damn angry 4 it. cos when there's 3 points every time can onli touch 2 points so dan irritating la so in e end did it in e cunning way(cheating style) now i gonna post e pics liao... there will also be something in e misc. part too...
03/08/07 Busy...Busy... Alone
Hey again! learn some short forms 4 net chatin yesterday frm Mith's England cousin... like bffl,wubu2,ano ....a bit sian in class 2dae sia, but lucky e day ends faster on Fri or i will drop dead man! e remarkable in PE, is probably did i did around 4 pull-ups... n still got strength 4 e 5th...., last time onli can 2 to 3.... then did some crap passin wif Malcolm which hmmm... sux on his part.... Sigh...zzz.. gonna get back 2 my heavily busy schedule again....do e script work 4 lit, designin Scrap Book n blabla then 4 home e... nd 2 do e cover pg thing which i sole it out... Shawn doin nth... then nd 2 do song 4 music, sole again, de yun doin nth..... sci thing i also dunno how la.... so now i also dunno wat 2 start first man!!!! AHHHH BB (pics on e misc. side)
09/08/07 Happy National Day!
Happy National Day! haha finally got time 2 blog le, mani things appear so fast in tis couple of days.
let's see i shld start on e national day celebration @ Jurong East Swimmin Complex ba. ai ya CSS very e retro sia, onli got old national song sia. dun hav new songs like tis year or last year de.... so very e sian. onli Noelle very e enthu, jump here jump there, sing here sing there clap here clap there lor ai ya. but so lor prob came upon cos e water balloon.... (CENSORED INFO) ya so e celebrtion ended badly wif a headache..... sad. then got my youngest aunt' hse cos she jus gave birth 2 a baby... e baby quite cute la, always sleepz then peek here peek there once in a while. k la, carried her 4 less than a min cos very scared ma. very e small n fragile... then she went back 2 sleep... while my mum they all talk talk talk..... my headache got back again cos of e sunlight lor (when i got headache, i am intorlant 2 sunlight, dunno y...) then went back like 6+.. sian mus take 3 trains 1 is e seng kang LRT then go back 2 Seng Kang then take e MRT to outram park, from there then take a east west line mrt back home.....then at home talk 2 my pri sch frenz if i am not wrong... just contact them recently, actually i quite lag sia, wait 4 1year n 8 months then find them....nth much 2 say 2 them lehz but not yoke ting. dunno y. it's like we can talk 4 hours on crap topics but not get tired haha, we used 2 quarrel one lor. now very gd frenz le. haha
sianz went out damn early despite sleepin late yesterday.... go help out 4 sunday performance 4 e gifts part... tt wei jun force me 2 go de....he told me 2 be early but he end up late 4 at least 15min lor....sianz in tis time being i listen 2 songs frm my hp until almost no batt. then help 2 ppl! 1st one is e old lady who wanna go Pasir Ris but dunno which lane cos dunno eng ma....so i helped her up e evalator. then show her e way then i see her go in safely b4 goin down.... see! i very kind hearted de! ;) e other one just onli ask e way 2 toilet so nth much la.... then finally wei jun came wif loads of stuff.... then go mac 4 breakfast. e orange juice is suan one lor, then wei jun joked tt it uses singapore orange then Sunkist, quite cold la...then took 176 2 Syc... then he lend me a bk... sianz now dunno y hate bks le, also dunno how 2 settle wif tt 'thick' chinese bk i got from e sch library 4 bk review....sianz. sigh...reach there very e late started gongyo le....
Then,separate 2 two grps lor, 1 is 4 gifts, e other's script...ai ya e gift one is simple job less than 5 min complete le...just pastin e glowin-in- e-dark thing on 2 ice cream stick onli.... then slack n watch them actin haha....then joke around n all those stuff lor....then is....LUNCHTIME! went 2 e nearby food centre but due 2 national day all closed expect 3 stalls.... so anyhow eatz n e orderin very funny de. we order by table haha! damn wierd, cos e stallholder almost got confused n blur....then went back 2 SYC 2 go home by car on jerrery(dunno how 2 spell)'s car...i am e last one 2 alight but ai ya go home frm e long way outz... then when i reached home, my parent wanna go out le. so alone 4 sometime....then watch NDP lor n YQ n Davin goin 2 marine bay 2 see fireworks, but davin very lol sia go there quite late....sianz stay home n watch n also talk 2 yoke ting , again talkin bout crap wasted her time frm studin sia also comment bout NDP performance...ai yo but actually we talk more than watch.... so miss a lot of parts....;) then we talk talk talk until she go offline..... wa siao! i typed tis post 4 bout 40mins wat the... shit 2moro mus go sch sia... mus sleep le Bye!
10/08/07 CDP Script!
Wa siao, i got time 2 post daily sia! haha, 2dae morning, ai ya sianz, wake up so early lor, 7am but sleep very e late yesterday lor....then slack, bath, breakfast 4 1hr lor, probably e slowest i am lor....
Reach le sch onli see Nic....then we got up 2 class n tak out props.... he slide in e hole in e windowpane.... after he come out wif e props, mith n OZY came...n said e FRONT DOOR IS'NT LOCKED! OMG! lucky Nic didnt destroy them haha.... Then, we found out 2/8's fans were not off 4 days le.....WASTE ELECTRICITY!!! haha then mith wanna act hero sia, go General Office 2 report, in e end, e staff self service haha.... then wait 4 other ppl 2 come...then paint e shipz lol while some slack usin e handphone 2 play game....ai ya we irritated e security guard a lot, keepin givin us faces... we quiet 4 a sec n resumed....we(mith,OZY,joelyn n me) then take a bottle n kick here kick there lor... just as we kick until shoik, zheng tat come in n say it's his bottle ANGRILY... in e end he threw e bottle away.... then ended e game.... got pics of noelle n hong jie, they playin pokemon together in one side, then andrew go take a pic n edit until like they r in love...lol then all of us join in n take their pics.... i also got some haha! gonna post in my slideshow do go check it out. then we acted... got some pics here n there... e omg-est ever is tt e rat in e script become e RAT! lalalalalalalalala... then we got home on 30..... wif davin! wa lao first time see davin on bus sia.... then went home................ wif a promise made .......THE END
11/08/07 VIRUS!!!
Hey ppl! there's a virus spreadin round e corner! it's by e name of 'gallery.zip' or something near e name!!! be warned! i was a victim which was spreaded by Leanne! so mus warn leanne bout it! now let me talk bout e symptoms: (personal account)
main thing: MSN, u will feel tt ur msn seriously got prob!
com more lagger than be4
conversation windows (to those who r on9 at tt time) will pop up automatically n closed immediately (tis's e sendin of e virus 2 e others)
then u cant chat wif them anymore! unless u sign out n sign in ur msn again...., i tink tt's all....(warn others le)
14/08/07 FD B-dae Concert!
Cool... i post a lot tis few days sia....dunno y... maybe a lot events goin on....
Let's start wif e FD concert ba....
Went 2 JE Popular 2 wait...but then change 2 go wif Anthony n a grp of ppl rangin frm....(hiya, all older than me la! but they damn cute, as in very e joker...haha)
Got a damn bad seat 4 e concert! cos facin e drums ma....so almost didnt hear e band's singin...but e band quite gd lor!
2nd thing: i was in front of a grp of SIAO Gals who kept screamin damn loud n high pitch...nearly deaf sia! N got headache, e script also quite cool! Better than e last time i saw durin rehearsal...Wen Qi lol lor be Dumbledore, black hair white beard...
But overall quite cool la
15/08/07 CDP Presentation etc.
Haha LOL...
Joel: " Good Afternoon, Mrs Teo, Mrs Yip, Ms Chen n my DEAR fellow commonwealthians......
Joel...Again: "Sry! jus kiddin, e show haven start yet...."(lol...)
Joel....one more time...: "Sry. Due to techinal difficulties, 2/5 will present their CDP presentation nxt wk...."
LOL lor...'giv us more time 2 prepare'
But e whole sch shld thank us lor! cos we made e assembly short n sweet n there's more lunchtime 4 everyone! haha LOL, k, tt's all!
"Thank You 4 Viewin!" HAHA!
15/08/07 Some Wierd Quiz frm Yoketing
Each player starts off by naming ten weird habits or facts about one's self. At the end, tag six friends and they'll have to do the same too. No tagging back.
hmm let's see, quite chim though....
1)Missin e days when i quarrel wif yoketing 4 everything durin pri sch....(she says one)
2)Survive horrid horror movies by huggin a damn big pillow or something
3)Wish 4 almost prefection in everything (Perfectionist!) sometimes futuristic too
4)Can see color in words or other stuff even though it's black or something(eg. January=blue, Feb= Yellow....)
5)Can survive or work better alone n dark....lol
6)Willin 2 change 4 her n will continue 2 love her more than everything else.... L.O.V.E.
7)...A SECRET(so cannot tell unless e time is ritez):
8)Can Predict any show even before it started almost accurately
9)Got a damn wild imagination n a HEAVY-DUTY brain 2 let tink all e junk stuff at 1 go!
10)Cracked my brain 4 tis quiz...(did u heard e sound of something breakin)
Tada! Finish!:D
Let's see....
bb mus choing chi bk review le!
16/08/07 CDP Skit 2!
Hey! Stayed back 4 CDP Skit re-videoing in a sweet Thrus afternoon....lol. tis time involve e whole class.... tis time e rat also got more style lor...(a gray jelly stuff which looks like a rat) but tio chopped off e head by e ship
Tis time, e Ship also more cooler one lor! can push one...oh ya 4got to take a pic of it. It's made up of a pulley- trolley thing + a desk + e projecter trolley. n we can sit on it one lor! but Poor Nic lor hav 2 pull it wif Salif, Andrew, Andy, Zhi Yuan n me on it....
e actin also more cooler, andy got a sword. but we slack more than work lor... played monkey game wif Arun, OZY, KH...damn lol... throw here, throw there n e rat tio a lot of dust... n also got a free ride on e projector trolley.....
Now, hopefully it will be more perfect then be4 lorz
17/08/07 THEFT!
sigh... 2dae went 4 e NAPFA retest 4 better result.... sad i tink i can onli can get sliver or something... cos some very e bad. Sit & reach missed 1cm 2 B, i tink. inclined pull up missed 1 to A... sad...e lightening alert also on lor tt's bad cos wanna aim 4 like 6 pull up...but mus stay indoor lor...too bad... Then e thing comes....
Jeremy Found out tt his valuables r STOLEN!!! when our valuables r all intact... Strange rite? seems he got targeted... then he reported e case 2 OM ma...then got bag check...n e Truth surfaced....NOONE stole it haha, a gd sign tt we r not thevies. then he got more angry n shouted on some ppl n blablabla....n Mrs Tham wanna speak 2 him....
Went down 4 recess, quite rare though. ate wif Shawn Ang...he quite emo sia, alone. then Divesh n his grp joined in... After recess went up 2 class wif Joel. then helped mith n nic wif some resources stuff n bring them 2 e room.Oh ya. Missed a important part, Mith changed his clothes in class n it happens tt e 'gays'
r there so, video was taken by weixuan...dunno where it will end up to....drama nth much though...i tink i can skip about it....then during hist.... i nearly fell asleep.... TT WAS BAD! but managed 2 keep my eyes open 4 e whole period though. On e bus-stop outside sch... i got ATTACKED by ants lor, wont stop type.... but lucky tt they jus crawl but not bite...haha lol...
kk, g2g le, bb
18/08/07 FLINT!
YO! 2dae, quite in a gd mood! dunno y...haha! Went FLINT! quite cool la.
FLINT = ' Future Leaders In Niche Training'
Also a hardy stone which produced spark n fire!
Through tis training, 2 emerge as confident leader n spark 2 flare e fire of hope in ppl!
Meaningful rite? quite inspired though....
I am in FLINT batch 4 grp 6! lol... Got 2 sec 3 n others r sec 2 in my grp ;)!!!
Wen Qi also got go! but we in different grp cos we in same sch, so cannot be together...sian lor, dunno e ppl in my grp, so got a lot of slience within e dicussion....got topic also like quite chim de...so e immediate thing i did when i go home is 2 rip e books out...those Creactive Life n stuffz, until very luan!
Went home wif Wen Qi on 143...chat bout some lame stuff n played some mobile games....
Sad sia, got a 1 big prob! on e 7th session got gongyo test! die liao lor...my mouth is....now cos got a lot of words cannot prounce sia....n got home-visit sia....also got 1 test 2 grad. mus wait till nxt year n mus organise e musical concert on dec!
Hopefully, my grp can get more organised n stuff lor...n my gongyo will be gd by e time of test...
kk i tink tt's all...crap my aunt jus called n said she bought durian n on e way here...
18/08/07 DURIAN FEAST!
Hey! Sudden news, jus found out tt my hse's e name tio 1st prize on TOTO! 1250!
Wa lao! damn full 2 take pic of those durians....damn shkio n FULL! Full le...
Shit, 2dae no nd 2 sleep liao n a lot of project haven done yet....
31/08/07 Holiday!
FINALLY! Holiday le! now, can hav gd time sleepin n rest, cos tis few wks always sleep after
10. tt's bad...D: but anyway feel quite ok 4 my results, 5 A1s, same as Shan.....
The Commonwealth Teachers' day celebration was cool, n i didnt noe any items belong to the
teacher! OMG! e band r ok, cool enough. The vid.s r like e most impressive 2 me... cos my
vid-editin knowledge is 0%!
Back to pri sch..., omg! cant believe there's sec 1 commonwealthian, ex-BLGPSians! dun even
seen them b4 lor....saw Davy, then he contact all e others, daniel, david, wei kiat n yu pei
aka peipei haha! then we loither around ;) saw Jayne, yi wen, yi yue, felica wif their
frens....then still got cassendra wif samatha n her 'bf' (they say one)
phew, i thou someone fly me an aeroplane ;) ·ÅÎÒ·É»ú. Yoketing came at like 1.30+++, saw
her then very e shockz! cos she like still so CUTE! haha, like haven matured, her
smile still so sweet D: kua her too much le.... BUT, too cute to be bullied ;) feel like
bullyin her -_-lll n she still say can verbally abuse me wor...haha, 4got 2 return her dict,
lend le 2 yrs le '-' OMG! haha, cant imagine i am so 4getful....then she go home so
fast....sad sia didnt manage 2 talk 2 her much D: feel like goin home wif her n see her home
-_-lll she still call me 'heartless fellow' wor.... haha hav a lot of fun wif e reunion la,
see them play 'Truth or Dare' n David tio a lot of times like the bottle love him so much ;)
haha....then play then go home le....David n Yupei go be lamp-post lor haha...
The Reviver

Kok Wai,Davis
Com name:
Dav-Zo-Ku ----- Dav-Ten-Zo-Ku -----Dav-TEN-Zo-Ku-NYX

Pri:1A, 2A, 3/2, 4/2, 5/3, 6/7
Sec:1/5, 2/5
Multi-Media Club,Cybernauts
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