Monday, February 05, 2007
YO! Did not post 4 long sia cos when i dun feel like postin, there's no limitation, but when feel like postin, then got damn lots of limitations; like mother dun let n stuff....Sigh... Life gettin miserable n boring....Tink i just post in brief la cos time constrait too....Just finish wif e New Year Decor last weekend(when my head keep hitin e roof),found tt e little black cat below my hse got 2 cute little babies(explains why e black cat dun meow at me any more cos scare i steal her babies,n why i can hear meows up 2 my bedroom(4 ur infor, frm my observation,onli baby cats can moew tt loud)), got accused damn lot of time by my mom say i play com games everyday(which's false lor,can swear i didn't touch com games 4 quite some time, Time used on com: 4 homework if any,photoshop(btw e photoshop dun noe why my com says it's corrupt),tutorials,surfin net n no more) n bla bla bla....
ok now, i can start wif 2dae finally, felt ever-lonely cos 2dae both my best frenz no here 2dae,sobx,kh n mith.....feel like e classroom is quieter...,sch goes normally,sci ct dun noe wat will happen,incredible 4 me 2 finish e paper so fast cos dun noe wat's happen, my speed in tests went low,causing not 2 finish my maths,geo paper,(wish 2moro dun come! dun hav e face 2 see both MRS LOHes 2moro if they givin ct 2moro...sobx....tink i'll fail maths n just pass geo....) then got mths remedial,did some assignments....then went back wif De Yun n Yang Da on 176, then stop at JE Library wif De Yun. Did some walkin 2 Popular 2 buy comics, as in he buy,then walk n walk,saw Joel,(Jeremy N Yan Ting together),borrowed Air Gear 1 frm him n caught 334 wif YQ. Stop wif YQ then we walked home separately....distance is about frm JJC 2 Boon Lay Shopping Centre X 2....Finished Air Gear 1 n read some newspaper before checkin on my 'anicent' 'Dictionary' where all e words r in different pronction n onli 3 translation;Jap Chinese (Eng 2 pronoce)(also where i got my name TENNIN frm) but got onli some words in there,probably postin some of e on e 'Dic" in e next post....
YO! Did not post 4 long sia cos when i dun feel like postin, there's no limitation, but when feel like postin, then got damn lots of limitations; like mother dun let n stuff....Sigh... Life gettin miserable n boring....Tink i just post in brief la cos time constrait too....Just finish wif e New Year Decor last weekend(when my head keep hitin e roof),found tt e little black cat below my hse got 2 cute little babies(explains why e black cat dun meow at me any more cos scare i steal her babies,n why i can hear meows up 2 my bedroom(4 ur infor, frm my observation,onli baby cats can moew tt loud)), got accused damn lot of time by my mom say i play com games everyday(which's false lor,can swear i didn't touch com games 4 quite some time, Time used on com: 4 homework if any,photoshop(btw e photoshop dun noe why my com says it's corrupt),tutorials,surfin net n no more) n bla bla bla....
ok now, i can start wif 2dae finally, felt ever-lonely cos 2dae both my best frenz no here 2dae,sobx,kh n mith.....feel like e classroom is quieter...,sch goes normally,sci ct dun noe wat will happen,incredible 4 me 2 finish e paper so fast cos dun noe wat's happen, my speed in tests went low,causing not 2 finish my maths,geo paper,(wish 2moro dun come! dun hav e face 2 see both MRS LOHes 2moro if they givin ct 2moro...sobx....tink i'll fail maths n just pass geo....) then got mths remedial,did some assignments....then went back wif De Yun n Yang Da on 176, then stop at JE Library wif De Yun. Did some walkin 2 Popular 2 buy comics, as in he buy,then walk n walk,saw Joel,(Jeremy N Yan Ting together),borrowed Air Gear 1 frm him n caught 334 wif YQ. Stop wif YQ then we walked home separately....distance is about frm JJC 2 Boon Lay Shopping Centre X 2....Finished Air Gear 1 n read some newspaper before checkin on my 'anicent' 'Dictionary' where all e words r in different pronction n onli 3 translation;Jap Chinese (Eng 2 pronoce)(also where i got my name TENNIN frm) but got onli some words in there,probably postin some of e on e 'Dic" in e next post....
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Hi hi....postin 4 e 2nd time tis's like so sian i just post 4 e sake of posting...cos it's like my blog wanna die like tt...dun feel like talking about school...neither is e camp... so ummmmm.....
ummmmm....still nothing...oh just got photoshop...n doin my 6th ban 4 e canteen ban thingie..ideas runnin out, got PS also = dun hav... oh man.... kh will sure kill me 4 busy findin fonts so ya bye....
Monday, January 01, 2007
HaHas....hearing fireworks frm my house....but sobx...sobx...4 tt 2006's gone n School's starting....
Will be postin 4 e last few days cos my connection lagging tis days...dunno y...or is it because of e earthquake thing in Taiwan then e line spoil?ai ya dun care la....
28/12 Wed....(should be...)
Went Toa Payoh wif a pri sch fren, his bro n our moms.....didn't do much plain wif my phone on train then we go Library ... n play.....(strange rite?)while our mom go shoppin.... .... .... ..... ..... .....'s like we didn't do much except we play wif my phone like ya nth 2 i jump ah?
30/12 Sat
Went 2 an Amazing Race! Venue: Vivo,Sentosa
got 2 harbourfront MRT station by 9.40+am 2 meet up then we wait 4 some time 4 prepartion n in 2 Werewolf team wif Wenqi n 3 about goin 2 sec 1 juniors,1 sec 3,2 i.c. then e sec 3 one go off cos sick... still got phoienx n unicorn,eragon group ....shit no time,my mum pesterin so i cut short tt my group won 1st 4 e whole thing...hee....a movie ticket n some kuehs n a book mark.....ok...
HAPPY NEW 2007!Bye 2 2006!
Rem Sch's startin must work hard ah!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
sigh...sigh...i hav a Bad Day man.... sobx holidays gonna go finish liao, still havn't do e research mrs loh told us 2 do ...btw research on wat ah? haze? natural vegatation? ai ya my connection go lag at tis cruical time...wanna do a skin on Aquatic Magic...but in i did e pic but cant bring out e MAGIC in it ai ya...will show it 2 u 2 see ...2 understand....
so u understand? done wif out photoshop nor paint....
no photoshop 2 do it well
lack of pics
ai ya nvm la PPL DO USE TIS FEW DAYS WELL!!!!!(btw IF u realli tink tt pic is suitable 2 make it a skin do tag n SAY!!!)bye!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 time kana cut like cannot use com so long....but need 2 do damn lot of work.....
anyway will be posting pics as promised....but not so many cos restricted 2 'in-door' photo taking..... so miss quite a lot of good pics.....realli admire e sky of Malaysia though....
e Pics..... :

My B-day Cake.....
The Beautiful Clouds.....

Rain's Coming!!!!

A Group photo wif my oldest n youngest cousins......

e 2 Wind charm we bought.....
Actually there's more but it damn hard 2 load so i just post some....
After tis must focus on my bans.....wif e damn little time tt's left.....
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
... .... .... AH!!!! Thrusday Liao!!!!! Gosh! Y time go so Fast? 2moro got 2 go Malaysia liao....sobx......n 'GROW' 2moro too....2 13 yrs even a cake ....sobx....
Still havn't finish a banner....sobx......anyway i'm about 2 finish one....on fire...will be put on e misc part....should be either on e middle or e bottom so if u ppl hav time go see my last Rockman n e current will also be there....
maybe i will put polls 4 it too....but er some of my banners very diffcult 2 understand one.... as in u must look properly 2 see things inside...i sample's e fire banner...there's 2 things on e background...if u see it tt'gd if not,dun giv my low marks 4 them!!! cos i do e 'blending' n other stuff without photoshop!!!(n a bit of paint 4 e resizing onli n something....cant say it.....sobx.... Anyway ... .... .... should be back by Sun/Mon.......
Monday, December 04, 2006
ai ya 2dae so sian man so i go play wif my phone yesterday add a lot of them but onli like less than half can e games r so cool....
got one like sims, called' new york nights' but e game onli take 1/4 of my phone's screen....then got ancient empires, ice age 2,worms,knight ya a lot la .....
i tink i talk in tis post cos i 4get wat i want 2 write liao,cos of my cousin lor.....