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-Inspired From Li0nheart
-Enter page codes frm Kh's sis, Kailanime
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-Images- Deviantart,Composer of Requims
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26/10/07 Last day.Anger
IDOITIC!!! Damn TEO! ANGER ANGER ANGER! last day of sch is such a bad day 4 me...everything was ok...i still can take it when we did not winnin 5mins of fame, but e whole spark off wif TEO! damn it, i can feel tt she dun tink she appreciate cybernauts la. insultin us in her polite way...wa lao! she jus wan 2 invest on those areas tt r high n higher percentage of winnin lor...she somehow see us like hav no future...like choir is onli way of life....IDOITIC!!!!! yoketing said nan hua was a plastic sch rite, then commonwealth would be insultin one. sec 1 she kick ozy, jeremy, joel, hong jie, keng boon n me 2 1/5 cos our psle score was 1 mark less...now wat? i gonna prove my existence! 2dae cybernauts again, wan us prove ourselves until we surpass choir in acheivement?? Another thing is bout e creative suite, it is surely not fair 4 those who join e blue earth greenin la. it was like so hard 4 them 2 get 2nd n still snatch away their suite. it may mean nth 2 her n she jus say those big big logic out of it. but in my opinion, if i had been one of them rite, gettin e suite would be so much of a encouragement 2 work hard on competition. n now? it seems so meanin less 2 get fame 4 sch, after all e prize was gone la, so wat 4 workin tt hard? n get nth?
another prob was wif my mum la. 1st she said i can go 4 e tues gathering, bt now she rejects after i didnt provide some help on e chores...tt's diao-in la. change choice less than 1 hr la. damn shit. she always dun give me freedom, but she didnt noe e aftermath of tis, i was gettin harder n re-bounces even stronger. shithead! now who cares bout her opinion man? rather go out secretly n do stuffwithout noein la at least i will feel better than now. vertin all my anger on tis post n e doors. currently anger had filled my head la. i tink i nd yoketing 2 calm me down. she is probably e onli one who can calm me down lor. didnt contact her like 3 days le. dunno y her leadership camp was over or not...sad sad
after typin tis post i felt a bit better than jus now....sigh. how i wish e days of 2/5 will not end man. n hopefully in tis 2 months, i can do something useful.
Sigh 2/5 last time 51 gang goin back as one. deyun, yq, clarence, yanting, Ozy, nicholas....n also last time yq n i takin 334 as 2/5...diao, 2dae talk a bit more than usual wif her...anw i took quite a number of bus when i went back. 51>334>157>243(green plate)>242>home. tis is jus 2 get e cd frm xiao dong lor...sigh. AHH! now i gonna do tesmonial like yq ba......
ah...feelin a bit down cos of e depart also quite sad la...after all is 2 yrs le lor, but actually is 2yrs minus 1 week as 1/4.
Yan Ting
... not very close but i tink hmm...she is quite smart? ty!
i tink we got along quite well ba. a bit of memories also comes frm e 334 bus. Diao!
My god sis! remember? haha my first god-sibling in my life.....so gd 2 have u as a sis n table mates! still can rem those days we 'quarrel' or something when we r table mates. thanks for e memories!
a helpful councilor! i will remember u as e buddha hands in front of me! haha ty!
hmm...a cool councilor who always hang out wif dione? thanks anw!
not very close i tink cos i dun normally talk 2 her...see her as a kind n sweet gal who is very smart. 4 2 yrs she 'suan' my end of year chinese.ty anw!
Not very close either. hmm...a cheerful gal? anw thanks! cant believe 4 2 yrs, i am er...not de understand of e gals.
Lycee on full moon! k, make it e last time i suan u n wei nian!
sometimes u give me e look like i am goin 2 "...". Anw thanks dione!
e class chairman! a gal who sometimes a bit siao n who win my eoy by 1 mark! haha thanks 4 being a great chairwoman! YaY! we probably goin same class nxt yr, or maybe not.
e gdgd vice chairperson n e smartsmart 2/5ian!
a fren who seems 2 be on9 everyday? haha
so gd in rubiks! till now i still haven master it lor!
hey, now who is taller ah? u or me? haha jkjk
e small small loudspeaker in 2/5 who kept changin handphones! haha
artist-in-making cum treasurer! 4 sometime u brought a tombstone thing 2 keep money n e other a safe! thanks4 makin e treasurer 4 two yrs!
e Heavenly Chicken! oboe guy! have a very gd sense of humour! thanks 4 bring fun in class!
Yo! u always say i wan 2 surpass u in it de lor! i still can rem e 2nd wk when i first step into 1/5. u looked damn wierd wif ur tie lor! u r e first one i saw @ tt time, i tink. i knew u r goin 2 be my fren! thanks Kh!
e clawed artist-in-making in 2/5!!!
e coolcool guy who always concerns bout his hair (i tink) n like actin 'piakia'! tis guy damn wierd de lor, he like slack slack type but still very e pro. i bet he studys while he play de. (imagine yujie playing dota while revising maths) diao!
not very close, onli see him always talkin wif e dota gang every morning! haha anw thanks!
Clarence ah Clarence. e buddha commander! always hear u organise events wif yq they all de lor!
Laoniang! e taxi guy! always take taxi, 1 time see u take 30 very wierd lor! gd director too. n quite funny! haha
e knife guy! also seems so gd in doin props! eat n do wierd things de. ur out-of-our-curricum knowledge is always so vast la, everytime interrupt mr koh! a bookworm too!
e 25 "ILOVEBIRDS" in 2-5! always so helpful, no wonder in rc, still got e caring pupil award lor! environmental champion somemore! Thanks joel!
Wa tis guy got so many names lor! longgaoboy by mr elfie, 1 time u become e pillow! always so funny! u maade 2/5 more cheerful man! thanks hong jie!
always walk rounds n updated wif news de! also always tio mrs loh scolding!
previously recruited as one of e four gays in 1/5 de! always quiet when called by teacher!
Zhi Yuan
Nicholas's sidekick? Sweat machine! Maths pro! lol! ty 4 being a somewhat great table mate!
... ... always hang out wif kenny them all de lor! actually i dunno much too
kids rock! haha thanks anw!
Kenny! son of deyun n stella! lol!
Wa tis one got alot of things 2 say liao. late comin pro,hair also always tio caught, mrs loh also scold until sian liao! n also bully me de, still come out wif theory about kenny n u n stella, n probablity king.
Jeremy! u made my sec 1 hcl paper fail! jkjk another maths pro!
tuba guy, always jokes around de! his family also quite warmth too! ty 4 lettin shawn n i go cook @ ur hse!
Always actin emo wif his mp3 player de. n always gang up wif branson (dunno how 2 spell)!!!
e guy whom i am stuck wif in home e! we r known 2 failure in cookin de, onli sometimes by lucky our dish survived!
Kok Wai
<-!->No Comments(-!-) :D lamin! lol!
Shanghai boy! always tryin act cute voice de tt's diao-in!
Our dear ex-chairman! still can rem last time he wear clementi town uniform...a bit funny. same situation as kh, when i see him i noe he's gonna be my fren...diao-in! lol!
PHEW! finally type finish le!bb!
23/10/07 miserable was yesterday
WA! yesterday was a crazy day 4 me! internet connection fell 4 e dae! 2dae also got a bit of prob...sigh it was so ....miserable!!! i ended up usin those chim chim program in my com...first up i opened photoshop...but no ideas so change.
Next up crazytalk! tt program was cool! i went editin pics which i found in my com...i put in 1 pic but there was 2 flaw! one : e sound was too gay. all because of e wat microsoft sam...tt sound so not-like-human. 2nd: e guy in e pic happened 2 have his mouth open so it cant work....in e end, gave up!
Third program: Robocode! afterall i nd 2 do competition wif it, like somewhere in nov. it was somehow like html but work a bit differently. eg. e color: they dun use stuff like #23F4534. Instead, they uses, 255,43,89. something like tt but works on e same principle, RGB. red,green,blue. at e start it worked well, but in e end i made a mess out of it, so i move on.!!!
sigh finally i played! maybe a gd thing but i tink it's bad lor! get addicted then die liao! anw quite a gd game la, i chose it after all i'm not @ e mood 2 play strategy games n it happens tt most of my games r strategy, no choice so i went shadowflarin 4 a few hrs, choing up 2 lvl 11. tt's quite fast le lor, i nearly lost my way there...sigh too long never rpg le.
2dae was a important day 4 me! choosin course day! sigh...frm A,C,D -> A,C,B -> A,B,C. finally choice! A,B,C. i jus wan A!!!! cos i noe i can die in B n slack like crap shit in C. badbad.anw i jus wan A!!!!pls giv me an A! hope started 2 seem dark as i tink many top 80s r choosin A as first choice.....so much competitors! 4 e tourin also not much, but e worse is e 2h of 'inconvient truth'. nearly broke my neck.then got e dumb dumb cheerin thing. sigh! dun feel like talk bout it anymore! bb!
19/10/07 Done!
YAY! yipee! finally done wif e skin...add some widgets in too! do Xplore them.Ya. In tis post, mainly i would post vid.s ba! i would jus briefly say bout EOY results...gd 2 noe tt i owned chinese...n i got hcl! mus jiayou if not die until like crap shit....now hopin tri-sci! if not nowhere 4 me 2 go phy chem? shld be e choice after tri-sci i not sure bout bio chem....never tri-human.s shld be suide 4 me ba!!! hope my wish would come true! btw i aimed tri-sci, can say 4 yoketing de lor....gettin pirvate le! quite similar sitatution 2 yrs ago, tt psle choosin sch...@ tt time i also wanted nanhua 4 her but not entirely la... hey yoketing! upon seein tis r u shocked? touched! bffl! better give a deccent reply if not wish 4 e worse! haha jkjk.last time maybe my luck not gd. didnt get e first choice. but tis time in tis bet hopefully my chances r higher, n have more luck....nd e luck 2 go tri-sci!!!pls! anw...jus found out tt geo is not in nanhua...as in not in yoketing's choice...tt's like so gd lor, she still says commonwealth de option A better! i noe i cant make 4 geo la!so hard 2 get B3!!!sigh...eng....dunno wat 2 say....how come always cannot hit a 60....i would be so happy if my eng is in B lor!ya nth much 2 say! ALL E BEST 4 ALL OF US!!!! Try 2 be happy! at least 4 now!!!hav 2 quite funny vid.s here
Laozhabor's Rap!
Another Rap
Da Xiao Ren
kkk! happy laughin!(or maybe not?)
16/10/07 Dont Care
AHH!!! i dun care le! feel like postin b4 my skin is done! b4 tis i wanna post a pic but dun drool! WHATTHEHELL!?!?! nvm 4get bout e image cos my memory card happens 2 not ting hua 2dae.... btw SEE THIS.
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Hey! do help me vote 4 tis...
hmmm ya tt's all anw i had already thou of e new skin le! TY!
12/10/07 Goner: EOY 2007
YAY! Warriors of CLASS 2/5 had successful killed EOY 2007!!!! But EOY 2008 will take revenge de!!! haha jus 4 fun...
10/10/07 Quiz!
I did le a few changes. added a search,links on e b-dae closed down radio.blog blabla But i haven finish! nvm slackin now
Which God or Goddess are you like?
Your Result: Budha
You are Budha. You are a very peaceful person, you love all who love you. You are a cheerful personality, and you have a great sense of humor. Congratulations!! You are Budha!!
You are Hiro Nakamura.
You can bend space and time with your mind. You always try to do what is right and you are very innocent. Maybe too innocent. You took a trip to the future and saw NYC blow up. Now you are focused on saving the world. You also love sci-fi.
You're too sweet and caring...it's not a bad thing it's just that you give your heart to just anybody and you get hurt easily...you shouldn't let people take advantage of you because you're too good of a person
preparin a changeover 4 my blog, it's will be a bit of a new look.sigh...anw i can feel tt tis eoy is dead 4 me. gonna had marks tt r over-flunked. jus wanna post some stuff now if not it'll be SOOO outdated liao!!!
4/10/07 after hist remedial on bus 143 wif joelyn,lycia n clarence... tis's found by joelyn lor...n she took e pic wif her phone....
my phone's version!
did tis while i am surfin e web someday....
My first vid! depict e mutli-storey carpark! i saw tis wierd car wif teenagers tryin 2 drive! ZOMG! my first thought: UNDERAGED DRIVE! anw nvm
OK! now i gonna do my skin now le!
05/10/07 Xhausted
Die le! i feel so disappointed! it's like i first time so hardworkin! 4 maths, 4 hist....first time, sittin down 2 do notes 4 hist n past yr paper 4 maths...
BUT! the papers r....i noe i gonna die le...maths made a lot of mistakes.....4 hist, i basically choing out e SEQ....Omg! did a usefulness qns in 1 page! Those 7m seq instead, i had short n sweet ans...less than 1/8 of e foolscap!
Nvm...like YQ said, it's over le! e onli thing is so work more harder on sci n lit papers! but 4 now...
gonna replenish brain cells! Free Rider
It's 1 gd game! gd time-killer!:P Hav fun! Take care too!
-A new com wif larger memory space
-More As 4 my results!
-Top 3 or 5 in Class!
-Top 40 In Sch
-Tri-Sci next Year + Higher Chinese
-A mp3 Player/ mp4 Player
-Faster Speed Than Current Com + Internet Speed
-Learn 2 use all e chim-chim programs 'professionally'
-Better photoshop, flash, HTML Skills
-Win Something in e com competition i joined.............
Made tis blog look very pro n popular!
- Full Metal Alchemist.
- Sayuki
- Tsubasa
- Dear Boys
- Flame Of Recca
Gary Caoge
JJ Lin
Linkin Park ,
Trapt ,
BLINK 182,
My Chemical Romance ( Famous Last Words ),
Green Day..........